
Thursday 26 December 2013

Year Prediction 2014

How To Calculate The Numerology Personal Year Number

Calculate the numerology personal year number from the day of birth, the month of birth number, and the year for which the prediction is desired. (The month number is the sequential position of the month. January is number 1, February number 2, and so forth, with December being number 12.)
Let's assume a birth date of June 8. And a prediction desired for year 2014. The month number for June is 6. Therefore, write down:
Now, add those numbers together. If the result is more than 9 add them together again. Keep adding them together until the result is a single digit (9 or less).
The calculation for for the example is:
6 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 21
                2 + 1 = 3
The numerology personal year number for a June 8 birthday during year 2014is 3. Calculate your personal year number using the same method.
Interpretations for each numerology personal year are below.

Numerology Personal Year Number Interpretations

Here is a short interpretation of each numerology personal year number and how it can affect you. (We are not associated with the 'more information' web pages domain linked below.)
Personal year number: 1
More so than usual, you feel desire to move forward, to improve situations, to assert your individuality, and to get on with life. Reach for opportunities and they will come to you.
Life is beginning anew! Now is the time to put your best foot forward; to take up a hobby or other activity that will freshen your thinking and broaden your general activities; to look ahead.
This is an active year with many decisions to make. Your affairs are making a new start. The next nine years' experience will depend a great deal on what you do and don't do this year. It calls for strength of purpose, clear thinking, and listening to your inner voice.

Personal year number: 2
Harmonious associations are very important for you this year. The year's success and good results will be obtained through diplomacy, cooperation, tactfulness, and good relationships. It is a year for receiving and sharing rather than aggressively pursuing your own way.
Your intuition and emotions are enhanced this year.
It is a busy year, with endless demands on your time. It is easier to work with others rather than doing things by yourself.
Your plans and developments may experience periods of delay. No need to worry about that. Things move slower this year.
The year can revitalize your peace of mind. It is a good time to strengthen your friendships.

Personal year number: 3
This is the year to express your inspiration, your imagination, your creative thought, and your deep emotional feelings. You desire to do more entertaining this year and accept more invitations. Take time off to enjoy yourself.
You can give color and warmth to all levels of living. Be artistic. Express yourself joyfully. Now is the time to follow those inspirational and imaginative ideas you are so excited about. Follow your desire for self-improvement; the year is rich with opportunities for inner growth.
It is a colorful and eventful year, with pleasure, opportunities for travel, enjoyable social activities, and entertainment coming your way.
Allow your abundance of cheer and optimism to guide you.

Personal year number: 4
This is a practical year; no long leisurely periods for dreaming, personal indulgence, or careless living. It is a time to build the firm and secure foundation upon which your future depends, using practical values and steady application. It is also the time to work out the details of that project you've been thinking about. Read the fine print of all transactions.
This is the year to find where you stand in life, and to be practical about it -- to pay attention to details.
This year demands a lot of work, not only to improve the present but also to build practical foundations for the future. Your diligence brings commensurate rewards. With good sense, you can meet all requirements and experience satisfactory gain.
Your gatherings, meetings, parties, and trips are mostly related to work or business.
As part of the practical focus of this year, attend to health matters.

Personal year number: 5
This is a year of change for you, a year to get out of the rut. Your opportunities are found outside ordinary routine. New opportunities and new conditions are manifesting (some may appear unexpectedly) -- new relationships, new ideas, new contacts, new enterprises, new plans -- more freedom, more variety, more travel -- broader fields of interest and activity.
It is a year of new experiences -- change, growth, fun, freedom. You feel an inner push to go do something, anything, so long as it's a new experience. You notice more opportunities to travel. It is time to take advantage of the prevailing atmosphere of change and variety to learn something new. The year adds new life and color to your undertakings.
The changes can be thrilling and inspiring. Now is the time to take advantage of the enhanced sense of freedom you feel and create new outlets for your genius. It is also a time to let older people and children inspire you.
If you have a business, you may wish to advertise more than usual, possibly presenting your business with a new, even unique, angle.

Personal year number: 6
This is a year of service for you, a duty year. You feel you're assuming new responsibilities. People make more demands of you this year. You are needed in many directions.
Warmth and good will toward others, along with love and harmony, will make everything worthwhile. Justice, fair play, and honesty are important. It is a year for unselfish service.
Take care of your health because without it you cannot help others. Find time for rest and relaxation. This is a year to be thorough and conscientious about everything that you do.
It is a year of fine and friendly influence for marriage, tranquil home conditions, and traditional family activities. You may feel a strong desire to get settled.

Personal year number: 7
This is your year for personal reflection and perfection, a year of introspection. You feel like analyzing everything you have been and are doing. You think about beauty, love, perfection, and what life is all about.
You spend a good deal of time alone, getting acquainted with yourself and your new inner power. This year you gain a better understanding of your emotions and your spiritual nature. Take time out to rest, study, read, and travel, and to look at life from a different angle. Find outlets for personal creative expression.
If you have psychic, spiritual, new age, or mystic interests, this is the year to pursue those studies.
Quality is your standard.

Personal year number: 8
This is your year of achievement, your year to make great strides in business, employment, promotions, monetary compensation, and/or the accumulation of possessions. It is your harvest time.
You feel ambition stirring, a desire to better your financial condition. To accomplish this, it is necessary to be businesslike, efficient, and practical all year.
Many opportunities present themselves. To gain your rewards, move forward in a businesslike manner and with sustained effort. Your state of mind, mental capacity, education, experience, and self-confidence are all part of your success and financial advancement.
You feel desire to make a special effort to improve or bring to a successful conclusion some of the ideas and dreams of the past years.
This is a year of action. Place your abilities on the market with a sense of self-confidence and authority.

Personal year number: 9
This year you realize completion and/or fulfillment of some of your dreams. During the year you can let go of the old and undesirable to make way for the new and worthwhile.
Things that have been lagging behind want to be finished up this year. Some things seem to finish themselves. In general, this is not a good year to begin new projects.
Be tolerant, compassionate, and forgiving, and this can be one of the most wonderful years of your life. Keeping your mind open for broader interests and larger activities seem more natural to you this year. Make your interests more of a universal, rather than personal, nature.
Love affairs get your attention, maybe even your own.
You find yourself cultivating music, writing, and other arts, and expressing love to the many and toleration of all. The 'brotherhood of man' is your keynote. Respond to the urge to do good works.

Personal year number: 11
Harmonious associations are very important for you this year. The year's success and good results will be obtained through diplomacy, cooperation, tactfulness, good relationships, and, especially, personal introspection. It is a year for receiving and sharing rather than aggressively pursuing your own way.
Your intuition and emotions are enhanced this year.
It is a busy year, with endless demands on your time. It is easier to work with others rather than doing things by yourself.
Your plans and developments may experience periods of delay. No need to worry about that. Things seem to move slower this year.
The year can revitalize your peace of mind. It is a good time to strengthen your friendships.
A heightened religious, mystical, and psychic awareness can bring you to a position of influence. This is the year your ideals of a personal, inner nature become visible even to others.
It is a busy year.
Personal year number: 22
This is a practical year; no long leisurely periods for dreaming, personal indulgence, or careless living. It is a time to build the firm and secure foundation upon which your future depends, using practical values and steady application. It is also the time to work out the details of that project you've been thinking about.
The year opens the door to a greater understanding of your soul purpose. It presents opportunities to serve on a larger scale.
This is the year to find where you stand in life, and to be practical about it -- to pay attention to details; no time for careless living. This is your chance, with hard work and specific orientation, to do something big for yourself and for the good of the world. It is the year to put your dreams to practical use.
This year demands a lot of work, not only to improve the present but also to build practical foundations for the future. Your diligence brings commensurate rewards. With good sense, you can meet all requirements and experience satisfactory gain.
Your gatherings, meetings, parties, and trips are mostly related to work or business. Read the fine print of all transactions.

1 comment:

  1. it was nice .....u hv done a grt job n my no. is 9 n wish d same in 2014......:)



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