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Thursday 26 December 2013

Year Prediction 2014

How To Calculate The Numerology Personal Year Number

Calculate the numerology personal year number from the day of birth, the month of birth number, and the year for which the prediction is desired. (The month number is the sequential position of the month. January is number 1, February number 2, and so forth, with December being number 12.)
Let's assume a birth date of June 8. And a prediction desired for year 2014. The month number for June is 6. Therefore, write down:
Now, add those numbers together. If the result is more than 9 add them together again. Keep adding them together until the result is a single digit (9 or less).
The calculation for for the example is:
6 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 21
                2 + 1 = 3
The numerology personal year number for a June 8 birthday during year 2014is 3. Calculate your personal year number using the same method.
Interpretations for each numerology personal year are below.

Numerology Personal Year Number Interpretations

Here is a short interpretation of each numerology personal year number and how it can affect you. (We are not associated with the 'more information' web pages domain linked below.)
Personal year number: 1
More so than usual, you feel desire to move forward, to improve situations, to assert your individuality, and to get on with life. Reach for opportunities and they will come to you.
Life is beginning anew! Now is the time to put your best foot forward; to take up a hobby or other activity that will freshen your thinking and broaden your general activities; to look ahead.
This is an active year with many decisions to make. Your affairs are making a new start. The next nine years' experience will depend a great deal on what you do and don't do this year. It calls for strength of purpose, clear thinking, and listening to your inner voice.

Number Association Chart

Number Association Chart

1- initiating action, pioneering, leading, independent, attaining, individual
2 -cooperation, adaptability, consideration of others, partnering, mediating
3 -expression, verbalization, socialization, the arts, the joy of living
4 -a foundation, order, service, struggle against limits, steady growth
5 -expansiveness, visionary, adventure, the constructive use of freedom
6 -responsibility, protection, nurturing, community, balance, sympathy

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Fact about number 9

under Number 9 are idealistic, and compassionate. In their characters they often have a significant element of sacrifice. They love to do good things for the others, a significant portion of their time is usually given for a charity and support of those who need help. People of Number 9 are very strict in their principles, their judgment often may sound categorically. This people often have a great artistic taste and musical talents. Many of them work in the area of fine arts or in any field of artistic creation. In any case - they are a true connoisseurs of fine art, poetry and music. Their criticism is balanced by a tendency for the good taste. In life people of Number 9 must learn to evaluate any situation with a maximum of impartiality, go their own way and achieve their goals relying only on themselves.

Fact about number 8

People of Number 8 usually have a very strong characters, they are capable of deep emotional attachment, but in the same time they are often misunderstood, because it is not so easy to love them. They may seem cold sometimes, while deeply inside they are very emotional, but they just do not like to show their feelings much. Number 8 is expressing feelings through actions - doing something instead of saying it - and that's where the misunderstanding comes from. They are capable of a great sacrifices, and they can be misused if they are getting too attached to the wrong person. Being in love, most people of Number 8 would like to do just anything for their loved ones, so it is better for them to choose their object really carefully. Those born with the number 8 have a magnetic personality and they are very attractive to the opposite sex. They have great strength and they are sexually active, but they also have a spiritual inclinations, they are looking for a spiritual connection with their partner, otherwise the relationship will not be long. The partner of number 8 should be the same strong, because if he does not give satisfaction, people of this number may look for it somewhere else. Maybe it is not always easy for Number 8 to find a suitable partner, but as long as this finally happens, they are eternally happy and they will never think to cheat or find someone else.

Fact about number 7

Number 7 are really volatile. Of course, this does not mean that they can not manage and control themselves. Just now they were too quiet and even cold, and the next second - they are attentive, sociable and warm. It is possible that these people are in need of solitude more often, than the others. But it is easy for them to switch on the other - happy and cheerful - way. They feel equally well in any situation. Both: at home and outside of the family - life of those with Number 7 is a journey into the unknown. Their discoveries they are making almost every day. They are particularly busy thinking about the essence of being and about their own lifes.

Fact about number Six

It is representing friendship, love, union, health, beauty and wisdom. This is a numerological ideal of such associations of people, which are forming a single unit, that differs with perfection.
Because the desire for harmony is the main feature of people born under Number 6, they have a certain magnetism, reflecting the fact that they are holistic people. "Charismatic personality" - a characteristic, that is best suited to them, if we notice the impact that they have on the others. People with the Birthday Number 6 may not be always beautiful or attractive, although many of them are distinguished by a special grace. But no matter how they look and what physical features they may possess, people of Number 6 have a certain energy that elevates them above the crowd. Many of these people are skillful in creating an "image", and it strengthens their influence on people. Manners, clothes, the whole appearance - all carefully thought out, so that it is effecting people perfectly. Number 6 do not always realize how much work they have to make to look so great, but they always achieve their goals. They are not from this kind of people that you meet, and immediately forget.

Facts about Number five

People of Number 5 are very interesting, and besides, they are usually friendly to the others and tolerant to different ideas and opinions. However, their showy appearance or sarcastic remarks at times may seem unpleasant for those who like to follow strict rules. With their insatiable curiosity, people of Number 5 love to chat, share gossip, news, new trends. They read a lot. They absorb knowledge like sponges, however they have to avoid mixing what was read and heard, otherwise they are getting a "broken telephone" as a result. Sometimes people of Number 5 can accumulate a mountain of unnecessary information.

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